Friday, 12 June 2009

Ebay purchase

You know how it goes. You are mooching away on ebay and something catches your eye. A few clicks and a few pounds later and you have the joy of being the winning bid on a little lot of goodies. I love vintage haberdashery and have a few little bits already. I had the idea of expanding my collection and making a picture out of the ephemera. What I bought from ebay was the contents of someone's sewing basket. I love the idea of a lady collecting, using and reusing these things. Some special things are the bird pin cushion, the wooden reels of sewing thread and the linen lace edging. The threads on the bottom right are "The Lamb All Wool Mending" and "Coats Chain Filosheen" for darning all kinds of hosiery etc.
I am sure I have see pictures in shadow boxes made something like this:

If you like things like this and have serious money to spend check out Sajou, the French haberdashers.