Friday, 28 December 2012

2013 Sewing goals

No review of 2012 sewing for me! The only sewing I did was maternity sewing and I have no photos to prove it. I do have twin daughters though....... So whilst I will not have much time for sewing in 2013 I am determined to carve out a little time for myself. Hopefully writing these goals down will help me to achieve them.

The principles:

1. To sew for 2 hours a week. I know the luxury of a weekend of sewing uninterrupted will just not be possible so the real challenge for me will be to carve out snippets of time to sew. Tilly has recently written about sewing for 15 minutes  a day but I think I am going to strive for two one hour slots.

2. To sew for my actual lifestyle, ie a mum and part time teacher whose social life comprises of seeing friends and family. I am no longer an about town career girl!

3. To sew a coordinated wardrobe ( as inspired by Janice at the Vivienne Files)

4. To blog what I sew as a record of my progress

5. To take steps to improve my skills and thus the quality of what I make, possibly by trying an online course.

A few specifics:

6. To try some of the independent pattern companies that have sprung up in recent years. If nothing else, to see if they are worth burning the extra cash eg, make a Beignet skirt, a Tova tunic, and perhaps a Sewaholic pattern.

7. To make an outfit inspired by the Duchess of Cambridge. I have wanted to do this for ages.

8. To make a Boden inspired outfit, this could apply to my whole wardrobe.

9. To sew something for my husband.

10. To sew more Oliver and S clothes for my daughters.

I am writing this listening to a radio programme reviewing 2012; not only the Olympics and Golden Jubilee etc, but also people's personal achievements such as the 65 year old lady who adopted the motto "Just Do It" and began the year doing a zip wire. The programme was totally inspirational and I am writing about it here so I can remember it and draw upon it. I am a "right one" for setting goals and then not achieving them because I have moved on to another whim but I am really determined that I will achieve these goals during 2013. Or else........